A round of golf at a challenging course is often a better experience with the partnership and aide of a knowledgeable caddy. MVCC trains our young caddy’s to deliver great service and course expertise in a professional manner that members and experienced golfers expect. Our caddy program provides boys and girls exposure to golf and provides employment opportunities in our community. Caddy’s also provide the players with a higher level of service and a more enjoyable round of golf.
Each caddy is classified according to their ability, experience and knowledge. To a large degree this is determined by the evaluation tickets members turn in after each round. MVCC has four levels of caddies: Eagle, Honor, A, and B.
Early in the spring, the golf staff conducts training sessions with a focus on what the MVCC offers each caddy and what is expected in return. New caddy’s initially accompany more experienced ones until they are qualified to provide independent service. If you are interested in potentially caddying at MVCC this summer, please fill out the “New Caddy Application” and return it to Minnesota Valley Country Club.